Consistent with ACHA’s mission of advancing the health of college students and the campus community, we, the members of the association, gather at the annual meeting with invited guests to:

  • Identify ways to increase knowledge, update professional skills, and incorporate evidence-based guidelines and standards into college health practice in the following areas:
    • Assessment and planning
    • Health promotion
    • Clinical care
    • Mental health services
    • Leadership development
  • Identify opportunities for collaboration and exchange of ideas among college health professionals, students, and leaders in higher education.
  • Discuss programs and environments that enhance health outcomes for college students and campus communities.
  • Describe the effect of diverse cultures and experiences on the health of individuals and communities.
  • Identify ways to integrate college health programs with the missions of the institutions we serve.
  • Discuss ACHA’s role as a national advocate for policies that have a positive impact on the health college students and campus communities.