
ACHA’s Ethics Guidelines

As the principal advocate and leadership organization for college and university health, ACHA is dedicated to advancing the health and well-being of college students. ACHA serves, supports, and represents a diverse group of professionals and students who provide health promotion, mental health, and clinical services at institutions of higher education and who serve and advocate for students seeking these services. In accordance with our core values, ACHA is committed to supporting health and well-being while affirming the value, worth, and dignity of each individual whom ACHA serves.

Ethics Guidelines


Code of Conduct

ACHA’s Code of Conduct

ACHA values social justice, human dignity, and respect for all. Discrimination and harassment are strictly prohibited for individuals associated with ACHA in any capacity including during its events; committees, task force, section, or other business meetings; national meetings; summits; or within publications and online forums and listservs. It is the policy of ACHA not to discriminate on the basis of race/ethnicity; sex; sexual orientation; gender, including gender identity and expression; marital status; physical size; psychological/physical/learning ability; religious, spiritual, or cultural identity; socioeconomic status; veteran status; or any other class of persons. ACHA actively strives to eliminate bias and discriminatory conduct from all its policies, procedures, communications, actions and activities.

ACHA members are expected conduct themselves in a respectful and considerate way in speech and action in their personal, professional, and business conduct:

  • With honesty in their professional relationships.
  • With respect for individuals’ personal boundaries.
  • With behavior that is free from:
    • Demeaning, discriminatory, insulting, or harassing language or actions.
    • Harassment of any kind, including but not limited to unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical harassment.

Reporting an Incident